Stanley Park Ball: Organized and operated by The Optimist Club of Stanley Park under Permits issued by The City of Kitchener, one of the Club’s many youth programs. To ensure continuity, the Stanley Park Community Association took over the Ball Program as of the 2024 season.
For the past 25 or so seasons we have asked, not only our teams’ coaching staffs, but all parents & spectators to refrain from smoking at our games and practices. It is our belief that, as an organization whose motto is “Friend of Youth”, we should do everything within reason to ensure we provide safe, healthy programs for the children of our community - our children. We ask everyone involved to act as a positive role model, comply with our program Rules, Policies and Codes of Conduct or voluntarily refrain from attending our events. The decision of whether to comply or not is not optional. Since 2009 the policy was updated to “no smoking/no tobacco” at our events in line with the PLAY, LIVE, BE TOBACCO FREE campaign. Just as with our “No Abuse” Policy, we have a “zero tolerance” for violations of this policy. Now, in 2018, we extended our policy -- just as the law did, to include marijauna (weed, pot, dope, vaping ... whatever) in all its forms.
There are 3 main areas of the law we can use to enforce our “No Smoking - No Tobacco” policy. Should one wish to push things further than complying with some polite requests and/or reminders, the following apply:
(1) The Government of Ontario banned smoking on all school property and on all public ground within 20 metres thereof, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. (Smoke-Free Ontario Act, passed May 31, 2006) If you smoke or vape where it is not allowed, you may be charged with an offence and subject to a fine ($1,000 for a first offence, $5,000 for any further offence) if convicted. As “the persons in charge” due to being “permit holders”, we are responsible for:
If someone smoking refuses to butt out or leave our area when asked, all we need is a dated, signed statement from someone witnessing the violation. Enforcement Officers can be contacted at 519 575 4404 ext 3090, or 519 575-4400. When notified, the officer will act on a sworn statement (include date, time, field, and names of any additional witnesses).
(2) The Regional Municipality of Waterloo banned smoking in the outdoor “bleacher” areas to which the general public has access or is invited. (By-law 96-055 passed Nov.1, 1966) The definition is somewhat of a non-issue for us as there is no smoking anyway within 20 metres of school grounds and parks. This means, you can't smoke (or vape or chew) anything at our games.
(3) We operate our ball leagues under Permits issued by The City of Kitchener and, as such, are required to ensure compliance with the City’s Behaviour Management Policy and all City By-laws. Our Permits give us the right and full legal authority, to request the police to help us ensure compliance with all the terms and conditions falling within our permits. “No Smoking- No Tobacco” is one such requirement we have. Persons in violation are not welcome at any of our events and must immediately leave the area governed by our permit when requested to do so. Failure to leave immediately is construed as a trespassing violation and will result in the police being called to lay charges as appropriate.
Hopefully we aren’t pushed to use any of the options open to us - but that’s not our decision. Please do your part to ensure everyone can enjoy the experience - and not at someone else’s expense.
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